The "Hub"

Wiki of the Idiots

Random Stuff Linux Stuff Windows Stuff Software

My Windows Stuff

Windows Activation Watermark Removal

Windows's activation price is astronomically stupid (in my opinion), so I copied this batch file command from this this article.

All it does is get rid of the stupid watermark that Windows forces over everything.

It occasionally bugs out when some games are running, so this is just to stop it from doing that, by completely hiding it.

This does not stop the fact that you can't use certain settings (like default audio device?) but it at least gets rid of the watermark.

@echo off                   
taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe

Other Stuff

Random optimization stuff that I always forget (lol).

  • Install Windows offline (without Ethernet plugged in or WiFi connected)
  • If online, completely disconnect OneDrive from all folders (OneDrive causes LOTS of issues)
  • Name your PC (It helps if you ever need to get your hostname)
  • Turn off Game Mode (It can cause issues and it's doesn't have many benefits, honestly)
  • Turn Focus Assist on (It turns off the noise and counter in the bottom right, but keeps the notifications)

How to certify files (in SHA256)

certUtil -hashfile file SHA256

How to bypass paywalls when reading articles

add to the beginning of the article's link